



發(fā)布時間:2021/1/23 7:33:00
This is a collection of remixed and original work, I'll do my best to summarize the changes below. All objects should be printable without the "iet" components if you prefer to do a filament swap or do not have dual extrusion capabilities. I have only printed these in dual-extrusion. In dry fitting, It looks like its possible to fit everything currently available (including the board exteion, excluding the neoprene playmat) into the base game box but the lid will not be flush. I'm using the resource holder from thing 3086696. No changes where made to this item. Base Game I used the unit boxes from thing 3048862 (no changes though I did have to make the cutout for the combat dial butto ~2mm taller post-printing, using snips) and used the lids from thing 3076259 to create the logos for the lids. Standard height and "Low" lids are provided for the Nordic, Crimean, and Togawa armies. Hilbert Curve infill was used for the top and bottom laye for ta more unique appearance. The coin holder has been cleaned up a bit to optimize it for single filament printing as well as adding the iet components. I took a shortcut with the card boxes and used thing 2120898 These boxes are much thicker and heavier than I'd have designed and take a while to print. They're probably the least filament-efficient part of this project. I have also included "Scythe-Main-Plus_Encounte" (bottom and lid) for the rest of the encounter cards, use the "Scythe-Main-Lid-Text-Iet.stl" file for the second extruder. This extended card box has cutouts to reduce material that can also be used as encounter token storage. For that purpose, I've add a v2 that has filleted corne in the bottom, I also raised the Objective cards up slightly to make them easier to access. I created the encounter case to hold these toke. Invade from Afar I printed the toke from thing 2551921 and used this image (scaled to 175%, IIRC) to create sticke for the Togawa traps. Rise of Fenris: I used the Fenris and Tesla iconography from these objects to merge with these action toke for coistency. Printed on any Anycubic Photon, FDM just couldn't provide the resolution I wanted. I included Fenris marke with and without eyes, choose your preference. I haven't played RoF yet, as a result, I haven't created storage boxes (yet), just prepped the iets (feel free to use them as you wish). Update (07/09/2019): I have added "Fenris.zip" this contai the RoF boxes which may provide spoilery information. No photos are being provided at this time for that reason.