

小程序二維碼 微信掃碼


發(fā)布時間:2021/1/17 3:04:00
This is an OpeCAD library for generating 3D prints of tightly woven fabrics. I was ipired by the many chainmail patter I saw on here, and started wondering what it would take to generate a woven fabric pattern. There are three weave patter I came up with. One is a flat classic fabric weave with sinusoidal waves in the z direction. The second is a crossed pattern of right handed and left-handed helices where each helix always cross the othe at a right angle. The third pattern has interlocking helices traveling only in the x direction, resulting in a tightly woven fabric pattern that flexes freely in the y direction without even bending the plastic. (This last pattern might work very well for bracelets, as one example.) I've enabled the Customizer feature for creating fabric samples right here. But probably for most interesting uses this will be a component of other desig. The useful API functio for use in your own OpeCAD routines are as follows: / Creates a flat fabric weave with overall fabric dimeio of x_len by y_len. Each thread has a diameter of diam, and the threads print with a minimum distance between each other of approximately clearance. module MakeFlatFabric(x_len, y_len, diam, clearance) Creates a helical/counterhelical fabric weave with overall fabric dimeio of x_len by y_len. Each thread has a diameter of diam, and the threads print with a minimum distance between each other of approximately clearance. module MakeHelicalFabric(x_len, y_len, diam, clearance) Creates an interlocking x-oriented helical weave with overall fabric dimeio of x_len by y_len. Each thread has a diameter of diam, and the threads print with a minimum distance between each other of approximately clearance. This pattern naturally flexes and stretches well in the y direction as generated, while being more rigid in the x direction. module MakeYFlexFabric(x_len, y_len, diam, clearance) Veion 2: More recent veio of OpeCAD were able to detect and notify about some polyhedron erro at one edge of each thread, which were fixed for this veion.