Tealight Candle Holder for real or electric tealight candles. There is a recessed area in the base to securely hold a standard tealight candle. I have burned a real one for hou without any damage to the PLA print.
HOWEVER, I am not respoible for any results you may have from printing/using this design. This one will print without supports.
Thingivee still won't let me designate the source files - so:
Great desig by motor-fuzzi:
Hex and Square Pagodas:https:www.thingivee.com/thing:4703842
Zen garden is also available here:https:www.thingivee.com/thing:4702552
If you want to see all the tealight candle holde I have remixed, use this link:https:tinyurl.com/y3l4ozm9
I have designed almost 700 remixes of numerous types. If you want to search by the type, visit my profile: https:www.thingivee.com/ToaKamate/about