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RS-CNC Parkside PGS 500 A1工具架+防塵靴

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021/1/10 21:38:00
This is a tool Mount for the Parkside (Lidl) PGS 500 A1 on the great -CNC. I simply used the profile dimeio provided by malutkiirl's mpcnc Tool Mount which were really nice and offe a perfect contact surface on the tool which makes it pretty sturdy when bolted on. The die grinder itself comes with a 6mm and a 3.2mm collet which gives you a good selection of endmills out there. It has an impressive low runout and a aluminium Bearing housing at the front which makes the tool itself quite sturdy under load compared to my previous spindle (Bosch POF52). And the best thing, it's only ~20€. Could have more Power, especially at lower rpm's it's almost useless (No idea what the purpose of the speed selector in those ranges is) but as said it's 20€ and makes a pretty good start for your cnc mill! :) Changes in "-": Itead of simply using a hose clamp to fix the hose to the Bracket and therefore to the dust shoe i used two (left handed) conical threads to tightly mount an 50mm hose on the outer thread as well as an 32mm hose on the inner thread (Which is more common in cheap wet-/dry shop vacuums). This Way you don't need to print different veio vor different hoses. And since most vacuum attachments use these threads itead of clamps i thought i'll probably use this mechanism as well. I tested it with an 32mm hose and it was pretty much air tight. Time will show if the hose comes loose during milling sessio or not. New Veion with Dustshoe: I redesigned it to make it more rigid (Using longer bolts from top to bottom, to relieve the actual printed part, since the laye will be pressed together itead of getting pulled apart while tightening the bolts).I also integrated a dustshoe for a 50mm (2") hose. You will need 4x M6x75mm Bolts, 4x M6 Nuts, 16x 6mmx3mm Magnets, 40mm flexible brush stripe with 5mm x 5mm groove profile, 1x zip tie (For example 250mm x 3,6mm) as strain relief for fixing the hose to the upper bracket and epoxy glue for the magnets and the brush stripe. Basic Veion: Besides the printed parts you will need 2x M6x35mm( /-5mm) Bolts, 2x M6 Nuts, 2x M5x35mm( /-5mm) Bolts and 2x M5 Nuts.