Enjoy a cleaner work area with our open dust shoe project. This dust shoe is designed to be a high performing & inexpeive option for CNC routing machines that use route or CNC spindles - such as our line of ready-to-assemble Benchtop and large-format CNC machines. Watch us make one for the Benchtop Standard CNC Machine and be sure to also check out our Benchtop Standard Machine itself -- The veion shown in the maker video is 89mm and suitable for the following route; Bosch 1617, Dewalt DW618, and Porter Cable 690 or 892. You can easily customize this design for just about any router size. Supplies and Hardware You'll Need: 1) 6.5"x11"x1" HDPE or ABS Block 2) 6.5"x11"x.5" HDPE or ABS Block 3) 24" Brush Strip (3" bristle length recommended for most, .23" channel size) 4) 6 M8 Steel Screw ( select the M8x16 Button Head) 5) 6 M8 Threaded Ierts ( 6) 6 3/8" Coin Magnets ( 7) 2 4" Hose Clamps This is a parametric design, and the paramete such as SpindleDiameter and HoseDiameter are easily changed in the Fusion 360 project to suit your application (generally only the spindle/router diameter needs to be updated), or pick from one of our many pre-configured STL or vCarve PRO files. Note on customization: Choose a value slightly larger than the actual diameter of your router or spindle to eure the collar fits without too much force. Similarly, for the dust hose you'll want to undeize it a bit (its already well sized for a 4" hose, and the suggested value for the 2.5" hose is in the parameter comments). Important Note for those New to Fusion 360: If you are using one of our machines you should use the "" Post itead of the generic Mach3 Post. Using the generic Post will cause the machine to attempt to home in the Z negative direction between some operatio (likely going through your project spice and spoilboard). Enjoy your cleaner work space!