This is a remix of Emotiva's "Shift Knob with Mazda Batman Logo M10x1.25". I really liked his design but the automatic shift knob on my 2006 (NC) Miata uses a M8x1.25 thread pattern itead of a M10x1.25 like the manual NB Miata he deigned it for. All the files are the same as his except I added an adapter to make an M8 nut fit into the M10 sized slot his design has. I also added a piece that press-fits into the base to give it some extra length so it does't look funny on an automatic. Be sure to pause the print of the "MazdaKnobMain" file part way through so you can iert the M3 nuts. I just used the "change color" option on my Original Prusa i3 MK2S. Also, you should also probably flip the "MazdaKnobBase" file 180 degrees so you don't need as many supports.