A viewfinder designed exclusively for use with the SIGMA fp. It can be mounted over the LCD monitor and cuts out extraneous light. With a 2.5x* magnification, it helps photographe to check the focus and decide on composition. The specially designed, high-performance le and special coating secure great visibility.* The value of magnification was determined based on a definition commonly used for calculating the power of a magnifying : fp専用ビューファインダーです。液晶モニタを2.5倍※に拡大し、ピント確認や構(gòu)図検討をアシストします。専用設(shè)計の高性能レンズとコーティングにより、視認性も良好です?!?倍率はルーペの倍率計算で一般的に用いられる定義により算出された數(shù)値です?!?SIGMA BASE PLATE BPL-11が付屬します。