

小程序二維碼 微信掃碼


發(fā)布時間:2021/1/18 21:32:00
After the original NiCd battery packs on my Bosch drill finally died, the drill was left in a corner to gather dust since new battery pack would cost almost as much as a new drill. I designed this adapter to allow me to use my Ryobi Lithium-Ion pack to give the old trusty a new lease on life. The design coists of two main parts, the Bosch adapter and the Ryobi adapter. This will allow me to later replace the Ryobi adapter with a custom battery pack (when I get around to it). Some extra materials required for assembly: 3 x M4 screws (20mm and cut to length) 3 x M4 nuts 2 x 1mm Brass shim 12.5mmx68mm (you could probably use a piece of 0.8mm copper clad for this itead) A coil spring approx. 8mm dia and approx 70mm in length. A shorter spring can be used, see below Two short pieces of 7-8mm rod to make up the total length if your spring is < 70mm Some more 1mm brasss for the Ryobi adapter contacts Wire Assembly should be fairly straight forward using the pictures as reference. Solder wires to the brass shims before sliding them into the slots in the tower. Attach female spade connecto to the other end to mater with the battery adapter terminal. The Ryobi battery terminals are in a L shape with one leg 15mm long and the other 25mm. Width is 6.5mm. Fit the terminals in the slots in the adapter housing and slide all the way forward through the holes. Use epoxy to keep then in place. The spade connecto mate with the short part of the 'L' EDIT: Fusion files available in the Fusion gallery